Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hi-Vi B3S Single Driver System

Here is another pair of speakers I'm interested in building. One difference is that I will be using the Hi-Vi B3N speaker instead of the B3S.

Actually, these may end up being the first pair I build because they are even simpler to build than the Fostex FE127E designs below. According to the designer, Zaph Audio, these speakers are good for,

    Near field - R2=4ohms. Desk or mixing console mounted, at least a foot away from the wall. Speakers must be elevated to ear level. Do not set the speakers directly on your desk, as that early reflection will mess up the response and cause poor imaging. Leave at least 4-6" space between the speakers and your monitor. In this near field situation, the ratio of direct sound to reflected room response is very large. Other desk mounting options will be discussed below.

One thing about these speakers vs the Fostex designs - these need a Baffle Step Correction (or some type of filter) to sound their best. Since I have such low power amps, I would rather not lose the efficiency. Here is a URL that talks about things you can do for a filter. I'm also going to ask over at the Bottlehead forum to see if I can put the filter in between the pre-amp and amp.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger horyzont said...

I would love to ask the drawing of a filter the kiwi 3bs. thanks

At 9:18 AM, Blogger horyzont said...

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